Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Broken DVD player

As you have notice lately, I have not posted a movie review for over a month now, that's because my DVD player is broken. I'm still planning to buy a new one, I do have a built in DVD on my laptop, but I hate watching it there. I like to watch movie on my big TV set on my living room, I feel comfortable watching movies on TV and in cinema. For now, gossips and news are my post. But soon I'll be back in reviewing movies once I have a new DVD player.
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1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad my DVD player is not working either. I finally got a new tv, and the wire from my old dvd player doesn't fit. Well, to say the least, who has the time to buy the wire?
    I'll get to the store soon, I hope.
    Blessings, Catherine
