Monday, February 14, 2011

Miley Cyrus Says Sorry for using Salvia


Miley Cyrus best known to all as "Hannah Montana" regret for her dalliance with the psychedelic herb salvia.

"I'm not perfect," Cyrus said "I made a mistake..I'm disappointed in myself for disappointing my fans"

She was asked, "But do you really think it was a mistake? Obviously college kids your age all over America are smoking bongs with a lot more than salvia in them."

Cyrus responded "But they're not Miley Cyrus. They're not role models. So for me it was a bad decision, because of my fans and because of what I stand for."

Salvia is a legal drug in most states including California.
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1 comment:

  1. I got my salvia from

    k2 power x20
