Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eddie Murphy as kung-fu fighting dog "Hong Kong Phooey"

Eddie Murphy, Donkey, Mushu, Shrek, Mulan, Hong Kong Phooey, Hannah Barbera

The voice behind donkey of Shrek and Mushu of Mulan, actor Eddie Murphy is back. The stand up comedian is heading back to animated films, in Alcom Entertainments' Hong Kong Phooey. Hong Kong Phooey is based on Hanna Barberas' animated TV series about a kung-fu fighting dog named Penry.

Eddie Murphy, Donkey, Mushu, Shrek, Mulan, Hong Kong Phooey, Hannah Barbera

Penry who accidentally receives mystical powers in a secret ceremony. His powers include the ability to walk, talk, and do kung0fu. With his new found abilities, he becomes Hong Kong Phooey, a crime fighting hero with his accomplice, Spot, who is a cat.

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