Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sexy Megan Fox Wants Her Own Biological Kids

Megan Fox, Brian Austin Green, Kasius, Transformer, Sexy, Swimsuit, Hot

Transformer hottie Megan Fox is currently step mom to husband Brian Austin Green's son Kassius, 9. Fox, 25, says she'd like to have kids of her own one day, but not yet. The actress revealed she wasn't quite certain where she'd want to be in the future in terms of her career, but personally, she knows she wants children down the road.

"I want to have children," she said. "I absolutely want biological children," she added. "I've always wanted kids. It's just about the timing," she explains.

She says the right time to have kids would be when she feels she has enough money to ensure her children don;t have to struggle.

"I have a number in my mind of what amount of money I want in the bank so that I can protect that child's future, and really protect it, so that kid never struggles," she said. "Once I feel safe with that, then I'll have kids."

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