Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sucker Punch: A movie That Packs a Punch to your Brain


I got hold of a copy of Sucker Punch from my friend and watch it last week. At first glance of the trailer of course what I wanted to see was hot babes fighting robots and samurais 10 times their size, sort of a Final Fantasy RGP game.


If this is what you want to see, well you wont be disappointed the fights scenes are great, the effects, the music all great. Oh and did I mention the hot babes, Baby Doll(Emily Browning), Sweet Pea(Abbie Cornish), Rocket(Jenna Malone), Blondie(Vanessa Hudgens) and Amber(Jamie Chung) were oozing with sexiness and kick ass moves.


Now the part where we begin using our head. If you really want to understand the movie you better start using using it, because you really have to pay attention. This movie is full of metaphor and is way more cerebral than one might expect. You really have to work to understand what's going on. This is a great movie to watch with your friends because by the end of the movie you and your friends will have hours of conversation about what it all means. On what is your interpretation, especially the ending of the movie were boundless of interpretations would pop up on everybody.


My friends copy was only in VCD, and I'm still waiting for the DVD or Blu-Ray copy to come by. Be sure to watch this movie, rent it, buy a copy, that's up to you.

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