Tuesday, July 5, 2011

True Grit a True Class Western Movie


I have not seen the 1969 original movie so I can't compare the two. But set aside the comparison, I would say this movie is one heck of a western/cowboy movie. The movie stars Jeff Bridges as the drunken shoot first ask later Marshall Cogburn. Hailee Steinfeld as the young revenge seeking girl and Matt Damon who plays Laboeuf, for me is sort of the comic relief in the movie.

I had to ask my dad if he has seen the 1969 version of the film and he did, but can't remember much of the detail of the film, all he has to say after watching the 2010 version is that for him its not a remake of the 1969 movie but a complete new story, and the only actor he can remember of the 1969 True Grit is John Wayne and for him John Waynes Cogburn is much better than Jeff Bridges portrayal of Marshall Cogburn. Well that's my dad's own say, but I think Jeff Bridges gave a great performance in the movie and maybe will get a nomination for his effort. I also like the performance of the strong willed girl by Steinfeld although shes not a seasoned actress she did well on this film, and I bet we would see more of this young woman.

If you like collecting DVDs, a copy of this movie would be a great addition to your collection, its not your typical all gun slinging western movie, and the action only pick up until the latter half of the movie. Although it may lack the action pack gun slinging people are used to in a western movie, the movie makes it up with the performance of Bridges and the heavy detailing Ross who would stop at nothing to avenge her father's death and of course Damon(Laboeuf) a Texas ranger who wants respect. Great cinematography and lighting. As I have mentioned earlier the movie maybe slow at times but the movie is fantastic and a great keeper for western movie lovers.

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